Human Capital

The human element is at the heart of this challenge

The current challenge for any organization is to succeed in maximizing the well-being and health of all employees. Thanks to strategies that improve the quality of life at work and prevent psychosocial risks, you will also be able to attract, retain and keep your talents.

Turnover and burnout rates are detrimental to the company’s brand image and to the quality of customer relations.

That’s why it’s essential to take care of your teams and ensure that everyone can develop their full potential in order to invest in your organization for the long term, in a serene work atmosphere.

Your role as a business leader is to provide a clear vision and strategy, while creating a collaborative environment where everyone can flourish. Time is often short and the financial stakes are high. The mental well-being of your employees is a pillar of healthy and sustainable growth for you.

Bien être au travail

A personalized accompaniment

By providing tailor-made advice based on your needs and existing HR analyses.

We intervene with a targeted strategy on the themes and points of improvement raised by your internal HR analyses.

Together, we develop training plans, workshops and personalized coaching to help you take care of your employees and your team dynamics.

We also intervene in mediation and conflict management.


By performing a 360° analysis to help you target your areas of improvement.

We analyze, in detail, your internal functioning in terms of talent management, quality of life at work and prevention of psychosocial risks.

We advise you on areas of transformation and/or improvement and stay by your side in the implementation of these changes.
In this context, we work with our partner Q7leader (learn more) to offer you a clear and global vision of your human resources on 7 dimensions.

We support you in the implementation of these measures through talent management, RPS prevention and well-being at work


Advice centered on our expertise in management, communication, talent management and quality of life at work.
We accompany you according to your needs and respect your rhythm and organization.

Trainings / workshops

Training courses and workshops focused on key themes of corporate life (communication, management, quality of life at work, leadership, prevention of RPS...) delivered remotely (video) and in person.

Individual / team coaching

Some challenges require a step back and more focused work to activate the resources necessary for change..
This is why we offer individual and/or group coaching sessions to optimize the functioning of teams and employees.

Job Stress Index

“The proportion of workers who feel emotionally drained exceeds the 30% mark for the first time.”

According to the same study, the economic impact of stress is high. Whether it is presenteeism or absenteeism, the loss of productivity is estimated at 14.9% of working time on average.

The adoption of appropriate measures in companies would allow the Swiss economy to “exploit the economic potential of approximately 6.5 billion CHF”.

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Our goal is to allow you to focus on the essential:

Your strategic vision and customer satisfaction.

burnout, burned out, disease

Les risques psychosociaux

Lorsqu’on travaille en entreprise, on entend souvent parler de « prévention des risques psychosociaux » ou encore RPS. Mais que se cache-t-il derrière ce terme largement médiatisé ? A quoi fait-on réellement référence ? Et surtout, pourquoi est-il important de travailler en amont sur la prévention de ces risques ?

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